Hope. That was the feeling I’ve had this last decade as I witnessed the impact from individuals like Al Gore and Elon Musk. Even some optimism.
Worry. That has been my feeling this past year as I’ve witnessed the changes politicians have made across North America. “…we are so close to having impact, don’t break it!” screamed that panicky voice in my head that hates to lose ground and see hard-fought advancement become dismantled. Having seen the impact of major storms and fires stoked this anxiety, hastening the need to plan for the climate-adjusted planet we now inhabit.
Empowerment. That is where I sit today. We are an enlightened generation and no longer have the excuses of distance, consumptive ignorance, cultural isolation, or lack of voice. We all can and should contribute; in fact, it turns out we even know how. Look at the great innovations in recent years and you will see a crowdsource or community driven change: Uber, Lyft, AirBnB and crowdsource funding to name a few. We already know how to speak with our collective voices and drive change around regulations and glacial change. Politicians are a tool to drive change, but not the only one in our toolbox.
Charities are the silent soldiers that have always relied on “crowdsourcing” to drive change, often overlooked by the masses when dealing with “big” issues. Religious communities come together where they pray; social support volunteers come together where there is need in the community; and, organizations like the YMCA build Health and Fitness Centers and create Centres of Community to facilitate those experiences. All of these charities bring people together to connect, heal and build strength.
Now is our time, find your voice and drive change in a positive way. Innovate. Bring your community together however it forms. Give your gift to give and play your part in making our planet more resilient.
Don’t know how? In my book Giving Charities Green, I share solutions to drive environmental change and improve resilience in the charitable sector through the lessons learned on the YMCA’s journey to become Sustainably Green.
Don’t have a community? Working with or supporting charities will help you to find your community, enhance your well-being and strengthen your voice.
For me, my next car will be electric, I’ll work to grow awareness on locally grown healthy food and I’ll continue to work with the YMCA to make our facilities ready for our climate-adjusted planet in support of our community, especially for those who are most vulnerable. What will you do?